Thursday, May 14, 2009

Daybreak -- Where We Live

The picture at the top is actually of my house. If you look about three-fourths of the distance from left to right, the white temple spire appears in the picture. My house is the one just to the right of that. The lake appears bigger than it actually is, but it's a really nice lake with a walking trail around it, a couple of beaches and eventually, an island -- hence my street, Isla Daybreak Road.

I have one son, a daughter-in-law, two granddaughters, two nephews and their families who live in Daybreak, too. It's wonderful here. Be sure that you stop by if you are out in this area -- 4493 Isla Dabreak Rd., South Jordan, Utah. And if you are of a mind to, we've got wonderful things going on out here and there's always room for more good neighbors. Think about it. I promise to bring cookies whenever Carl bakes them.


Rex Cannon said...

You never bring me cookies? Wait, I don't live in Daybreak.

Linda Aukschun said...

I'll bring them as long as you don't mind that I enhance them with zucchini just like Mom used to bake.