Saturday, May 30, 2009

Benefits of Union Membership

Sometimes you spend forever to find great stuff and other times, you stumble right on it.

We head out to deliver some cookies, and my son Brad, takes us on a little side trip to a wonderful spot he found while driving his UPS truck around. My heart, stars and garters indeed, we found a baby shetland pony out grooving in the clover with his mother. He was beautiful. He wasn't afraid of us, either. He trotted over to the fence and sniffed our hands for sugar cubes or whatever he hoped for, and went on his way, nursing, resting, and generally being adorable.

Above is his picture with four-year-old Alison. That's how little he is. He is now about thirty pounds. He was fifteen pounds when he was born two weeks ago.

I love Brad's job with UPS. He shows us the best things. Union guys? They're a good thing.

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