Friday, May 29, 2009

The Paralyzing Power of Headaches and Bad Movies

I didn't write yesterday nor today because I had nothing really good to say. Yesterday I stayed in bed with a killer headache and today I have the residuals. (By that I mean a tiny headache and still only a modicum of a will to live.)

Further, I saw a disappointing movie the night before. We saw "The Soloist" with Robert Downey Jr. (How could you go wrong?) and Jamie Foxx. We even went late at night since that was the only showing. It was good, but not great. I think a true critic would say it lacked focus. Fishermen would say the water was a little muddy. An artist would say the lines were blurred. I'd say that I came out of there wishing for more. Carl's response was that it wasn't his type of movie, but it could have been. The story is about a Julliard man who left because of schizophrenia and was living on the streets of LA playing a violin with two strings who dreams of recapturing his days with Beethoven. He is found by a newspaper reporter named Steve Lopez who tries to save him. The story is true. How could they lose? I don't know but it just wasn't great. Even popcorn and Diet Coke couldn't do it.

Tonight, however, recovery should take place. Sophia and Ali are in a dance recital. Right now they are in a two-hour practice session, which should be hilarious since they are six and four and have the attention spans of a two and four year old. It will redeem it all. I have hope. What have I more?


Lindsey said...

I totally know what you mean about the headaches. They can be completely debilitating! That's unfortunate about the movie, it seemed like it really had potential. That's why I recommend going to movies I don't expect much from. It's either what you thought or pleasantly better.

Good luck Ali and Sophia in their dance recitals! So fun!

Jaime said...

Too bad about the movie. I have really been wanting to see this one, guess it's one we will rent rather than see in the theater. Sounds like it had the potential to be a great story.

I'm sorry to hear you have been dealing with headaches....I get Migraines with my MS and know just how horrible headaches can be. I am glad today was better and hope it is completely gone tomorrow. :)

Take care,

Wendy said...

First you're afraid you're going to die and then you're afraid you won't?

Take heart - Iron Man 2 is in the works.

live long and prosper and I mean it - LIVE LONG!