Friday, July 3, 2009

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Not Quite

Yellowstone has beasts aplenty. Here, for example, is a coyote. The only reason we believe it is a coyote is that its tail is bushy and therefore not a wolf. Yellowstone sports, however, 230 wolves. Here's your garden-variety grizzly bear. Looks cuddly, apparently isn't.
Elk. They abound in the park. Moose, however, have gravitated down to the Teton area where there is more tasty food for them to eat. The cold is not the problem in the park for them I'd guess.
A bald eagle sitting on her nest was a surprising sight. Especially since she was courteous to viewers and built the nest in the top of a burned-out tree near the West Yellowstone Entrance.
This was not all. We did see bison, mountain goats, geese and various other critters. Fortunately, Carl, my photographer, had the presence of mind to rent a fine-quality lens for the occasion so we could see things a little closer and more National Geographic-like.

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